The GDPR (General Data Protection Act) is considered to be the most important piece of European data protection legislation. It regulates the collection, storage, transfer, processing or use of personal data about individuals in the European Union.

At Sensai Metrics, we are fully committed to compliance with international law and regulations, including GDPR.

What you need to do

For customers based in the EU, or providing any service within it, these are the first steps you need to take:

  1. Make sure your Terms of Service or Privacy Policy properly communicate to your users how you are using Sensai Metrics (and any other similar services) on your website or app. The GDPR can heavily penalize you if you’ve not done this clearly, which is why we recommend you to ensure your policies are up to date and clear to your readers.
  2. If you are in the European Union, you’ll likely want to sign a Data Processing Agreement with us. Send us an email at and we’ll email you a copy. After your have reviewed and signed it, we’ll countersign it and provide you with a downloadable copy via email within 2 business days. If you have any questions about the Agreement, just email us and we’ll be happy to clarify them for you.

A little more information on GDPR

As we said, the GDPR regulates everything related to the manipulation of personal data about individuals in the European Union. Under the GDPR, the concept of “personal data” is very broad, and covers any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual, called a ‘data subject’.

It gives data subjects more rights and control over their data by regulating how companies should handle and store the personal data they collect, enhancing EU individuals’ privacy rights.

These are some of the top obligations we at Sensai Metrics have, with which we are fully compliant:

We may process data only according to our customers’ requirements

We are obliged to inform you about any new sub-processor, if there were to be any, and to reflect our obligations towards you in the contract with said new sub-processor

We must keep track of all the categories of processing activities

In the case of a data breach to our system, we must inform you in the shortest time after becoming aware of it

We must implement security measures appropriate to the GDPR

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at