What is CRO?
CRO or Conversion Rate Optimization is the process by which businesses try to optimize their websites in order to push consumers to act in a way that best benefits them. Understanding how to optimize your conversion rate is imperative in conducting cost-effective marketing activities. CRO aims to turn passive consumers into active consumers and to increase the overall interest in the business itself.
Why is CRO so important?
In order to optimize for conversion rates, you have to know where, what, and who to optimize for. Sensai Metrics offers you all the needed information to best optimize your current consumers. By analyzing this data, one can make the necessary changes and adjustments that will influence customers who are currently not engaging in your content to become active and have higher rates.
Below, we have laid out for you the top 3 reasons businesses should engage in CRO.
- Increases in ROI: Increasing your conversion rates means that you are also earning greater returns! Learning how to optimize your consumer base allows you to earn greater returns while also spending less money bringing in the wrong customers.
- Better consumer insights: When trying to make a sale, it is important that we understand our target audience and pinpoint what is the best method of communication. Using consumer insights allows you to speak directly to the consumer’s needs and wants. CRO is not about taking an infinite number of customers to your website; it is about finding the right customers for your business.
- Better user experiences and overall brand trust: Using CRO allows you to speak directly to your consumers. When users feel connected to your website and business, they are more likely to stick around. Using CRO insights will make your customers feel empowered; they will feel that you are speaking to them, pushing them towards even greater engagement. Connection and trust to a website are huge factors in converting visits.
What’s next?
Next time you are looking to improve your Conversion Rate, make sure to pay close attention to your CRO insights. These are key to making the correct adjustments and improvements in order to have higher conversions. It is essential to pay attention to these key elements in CRO insights.
Where do people enter your site?
- What page are they landing on first? How does this relate to your sales data?
What channel and referrer brought them in?
- How did they find your website? What made them interested?
Which features they engage with
- Which features do they spend most of their time looking at it? What can you emphasize that will increase conversions?
- Which devices and browsers are they mostly using?
Who and where are your customers coming from?
- Gender, age, demographics, key interests
In what step did your users abandon your website
- Is there a specific activity where users are more likely to click out? What makes your users stay on?
Paying close attention to these questions will lead you to finding the right answers and make adjustments. Studying this information will tell you where to best focus your efforts and lead you in the direction of the greatest consumer impact.
How to Improve it?
Now that you understand what CRO is and why it is so important, it’s time to apply it to your own business. To start off, it is imperative that your business is targeting the right kind of customers, whether that be through Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. For example, if you are a fine jewelry business that primarily sells gold items, and you target all consumers searching for “jewelry”, it is likely that you will attract the incorrect type of customer. Using keywords that specifically match what you are trying to sell or promote is essential in optimizing your conversion rates. When using Google Ads, your keywords should attract consumers who are directly looking for your type of products, in this case, fine jewelry, and not jewelry in general. When using Facebook Ads, it is important to have your targeting and segmentation information on point in order to attract the most qualified type of consumers.
Another way to optimize your conversion rates is to also optimize your website and identify exactly at what point your consumers are leaving your page. Using the custom funnel feature on Sensai Metrics, you can see exactly where you are losing customers and in what part of your customer journey do most visitors tend to exit out. Analyzing these settings are sure to improve your CRO. Aside from using funnels, you can also use AB testing. AB testing allows you to test two different variants of the same ad or setting in order for you to see which option works best. For example, you can choose to show a group of customers a green purchase button and show a different group with a red purchase button in order to see which color has a higher conversion rate. These small details can make big differences in your consumer’s purchasing behavior.
These key factors are essential in optimizing your conversion rates. Using these tips and tricks can help you give your business a boost in and set you on the right path to higher conversions and overall sales.